We will include with your WifiAway pack a fully functional SIM Card, with a Spanish phone number, and credit of 10€ (what you pay to us goes to your prepay credit). This is how it works:
- Your SIM card will come active with the credit of 10€ that will pay the first month’s tariff
- The initial tariff is of 9.8€ for one month, with the following:
- 1.2 Gb of data
- 100 minutes included
- You can recharge your credit at the end of that month through the Internet, or in cash in any kyosk, supermarket, etc…
- You can also change your tariff online or through the phone (will need a Spanish speaking friend) to any of the Republica Movil tariffs
- The SIM card comes in a triple format (you press it and cut it as you need it): SIM / Micro / Nano
- You will need an unlocked Smartphone (or you can unlock it here), and you will need to send us a photo of your Passport
- Other details on their tariffs here
The service is offered by Republica Movil, we are their distributors and will help you in your initial steps. After those first days, you will contact República Móvil for any change / support needed.